7 Simple Things Red Pandas Enjoy The Most! (Solved!)

Considering their remarkable appearance, red pandas are just simply awesome!  They are acrobatic animals that spend most of the day on trees. Red pandas also display impressive skills, whether in the wild or captivity.  In this article, we will list the top 7 common things red pandas love to do. Keep reading below to find … Read more

5 Reasons Why Black Bears Are Not Friendly (Explained!)

Like the other bear family, the black bears (American bears), may look cute and cuddly. Hence, you might want to get close to one and rub its back when at the zoo. On second thought, you might be wondering, are black bears friendly? No, black bears are not friendly animals. Nevertheless, they rarely attack people. … Read more

Are Black Bears Scared Of Humans? (10 Reasons Why!)

Even when you look at the black bears from a distance, you’ll notice they are big animals. Moreover, they have sharp claws and big teeth that can tear prey apart quickly. Considering their physical features, are black bears scared of humans? Surprisingly, black bears are scared of humans more than we are of them. One … Read more

5 Reasons Why People Hate Pandas? (#3 Is Hilarious!)

Almost everyone can agree that pandas are cute creatures. In fact, they are among the most beautiful animals in the world! Surprisingly, some people still hate giant pandas. In this article, I’ll discuss 5 common reasons why people hate them so much. 1. Pandas Are Expensive To Keep Some people believe that the cost of taking … Read more

Why Do Red Pandas Put Their Hands Up?

Why Do Red Pandas Put Their Hands Up Blog Header

Red pandas show different body languages that can be cute and funny. At a time, you would have seen the red bears stand up with their hands raised high. And you’ll probably be wondering, why do red pandas put their hands up? Here’s a quick answer –  red pandas put their hands up when they … Read more