Do Red Pandas Live Alone Or In Group? (5 Things To Know!)

From time to time, you may wonder how red pandas live in terms of family or groups.

In this article, you will get some in-depth knowledge of how red pandas live. The information below is going to answer several sections of that question.

So do red pandas live alone? 

YES, red pandas love to have their own time individually, so they enjoy staying alone.

Let’s dive deeper:

Being solitary animals, red pandas hate to be in groups, just like most of the other panda breeds. These cute animals hate relating with each other, unlike most animals in the wild. 

Most red pandas move away or into hiding when they notice other red pandas nearby or around them.

Now that you know that red pandas do not like staying in groups or families, you may ask why these animals prefer to be alone. Let’s go further below: 

Table of Contents

Why Do Red Pandas Prefer To Be Alone?

There are several reasons that make red pandas avoid groups.

Below are the main reasons:

Do red pandas live alone

Red Pandas Are Not Sociable

One of the main reasons why red pandas do not live or stay in groups is because they are naturally non-sociable animals. Red pandas hate any company near them. 

These wild cats would climb on top of trees to avoid any other panda from coming near.

The Red Panda Diet

Another reason red pandas love to stay alone is that they live on a strict diet.

This kind of special diet is sometimes difficult for them to find, so they may tend to drift in different directions. The drifting nature of these pandas allows them to find their meals in other parts of their habitat.

Do red pandas live alone

When Do Red Pandas Live in Groups?

During these special occasions, red pandas usually ease their solitary characteristics and create efforts to attract each other. 

Below are the main occasions when red pandas move in groups:

Mating Season

During the mating period, the female red pandas usually produce a strong smell, attracting the male red pandas closer to them.

The male red pandas have a solid smelling ability which may be able to spot female red pandas from a few miles away.

During Winter

Another occasion for red pandas to stay together is when winter comes. These breeds of pandas move in large groups during winter to cuddle together and create warmth.

When Conflicts Happen

Red pandas may also stay in groups when in danger.

For them to properly defend their territory against any incoming threat, they will keep their groups intact for as long as the situation lasts.

When There is A Lot of Food

When red pandas stay in groups, it may also mean a surplus amount of bamboo in their habitat.

In most cases, when there is plenty of natural food in a specific place, you may spot several red pandas eating together.

What Is a Group of Red Pandas Called?

The collective name for red pandas is ‘cupboard.’

In most cases, this cupboard of red pandas may become deadly since fights may happen over plenty of bamboo or water.

These cute little wild cats are not that generous towards each other. Because of such a reason, red pandas would instead begin fights to chase others away from the abundant bamboo rather than sharing.

How Many Red Pandas are in A Group?

When red pandas stay in groups, they have specific numbers to maintain.

In most cases, the red pandas may move in groups of around 15 pandas. In some situations, the number of pandas in these groups may go up to 25.

If additional red pandas try to come in, they may never blend in since the other red pandas may chase them away using fights.

When these red pandas are in groups, they usually communicate with each other. Red pandas in groups mostly use scent marks to make communications.

These breeds of pandas in a group may also produce specific noises and sounds to reach out to each other.

Once the red pandas spot any signs of a new red panda around, they may make several noises to scare them away from attempting to join their group at a specific time.

Final Thoughts

Red pandas love to have their own individual time. These pandas come in groups only during a few special events like mating, feeding, or defending their territory from external attacks.

When these events come to an end, these red pandas usually drift away.

You may feel free to share this article if you find it helpful. You may also discover more about the red panda habitat.