Do Giant Pandas Live Alone Or In Groups? [Explained]

If you observe animals such as goats, sheep, and chickens, you’ll see they walk in groups. Naturally, most animals love playing with themselves, just like humans. But, do giant pandas live alone or in groups? 

The best answer is giant pandas love to live alone because they are solitary animals and do not live in groups. I know the next question that will come to your mind is why, right? Well, that’s for you to find out.

Don’t worry, I’ll provide detailed information about why these cute animals love being alone and other interesting stuff.  Now that you know that pandas don’t like to relate with themselves like other animals, let’s take a look at the reasons. 

Why Are Giant Pandas Solitary Animals?

While living in the wild, giant pandas spend most of their time in a very large environment. By this, they rarely come in contact with one another, which contributes to their solitary nature. It’s only natural for animals and even humans not to enjoy the company of others, if they rarely come in contact with them.

If you want to confirm this, keep a cat or dog pet in the cage for a month or two and make it comfortable. Release the pet afterwards and observe its behavior. There’s a chance that it will not leave the cage to play with others.

The same applies to giant pandas. Comfort zones are convenient. Usually, giant pandas are fragile and helpless when they are young.

Unlike other animals, the mother panda focuses on taking care of one cub at a time, even if she gave birth to two. Due to their weakness, the young pandas spend most of their time on trees as a means of survival, which is normal. 

With this way of life, the cubs would have adapted and become satisfied with living alone.  So, when they finally come down from the tree, socializing with other pandas will become unnecessary to them.

I think you are now aware of why these cute creatures love being by themselves rather than playing with their mates. It’s understandable, right?

Do Pandas Like Being Alone?

giant panda panda alone in the wild
Photo Source: China Highlights

Yes, pandas love to be alone. They can be classified as loners. With or without other animals, they are satisfied with themselves. 

Surprisingly, they have a strong sense of smell that informs them that another panda is around. Once they get the clue, the pandas go into hiding, whether into a shallow tree or on top of the tree.

Don’t be deceived by their large appearance, pandas are perfect at climbing trees. With their hands and fingernails, they usually maintain a firm hold on tree branches and trunks. So, once they perceive the smell of another panda, climbing the nearby tree is the next step to take.

Let’s just say pandas are shy animals that don’t like any form of disturbance. Keep in mind that the only time they socialize is during the mating season, which is between March to May

Even during this season, the female panda will only go with the male she is familiar with. And the only way the males locate the females is through their sense of smell. 

One other amazing thing about these chubby creatures is that after mating, the male and female panda separates. Furthermore, the mother panda will take care of its cub alone for over a year after giving birth.

When Do Giant Pandas Live In Groups?

group of giant pandas eating in captivity
Photo Source: Pinterest

Like I’ve stated earlier, giant pandas do not live in groups except during their mating period. Due to their solitary behavior, they can become violent when another panda comes near them. Note that a panda will do everything to keep another panda away.

Once it senses another panda is nearby, it climbs the tree as soon as possible to prevent any form of attachment. With these preventive measures, if another giant panda succeeds in coming in contact with it, there may be a problem. They’ll both bite, and make funny noises at each other until one gets tired and leaves.

Even though I’ve made it clear that giant pandas do not live in groups, there is an exception; mating. Isn’t it amazing that the only time these shy animals seek one another is during the mating season? Here is how it works.

With their powerful smelling ability, the males find the females whenever they are ready to mate. Unfortunately, the female pandas can only give birth to their young ones every two to three years, which is causing a decrease in their population yearly.

Female pandas give birth to one or two very tiny babies between 100 to 189 days of pregnancy. If the cubs are two at birth, only one will survive because the mother panda prefers to give attention to just one of them.

What Do You Call a Group Of Pandas?

A group of pandas is known as an embarrassment of pandas, bamboo or a cupboard of pandas. I know this may sound funny and strange at the same time, so you are free to laugh. 

To many people, the name “embarrassment” is uncalled for because what could be embarrassing about these adorable, large creatures? No one has an answer to that except the person who came up with the name.

One important thing you should know about giant pandas is that bamboo is their favorite diet. Come to think of it, bamboo has little nutritional value but these creatures find it delicious. Isn’t this strange? However, they can be carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, depending on several factors.

How Do Giant Pandas Live In Groups?

Unlike other animals you see around your environment, giant pandas do not live in groups. They prefer to stay on the tree all day, sleep or eat bamboo alone. They are solitary animals that prefer to stay alone and can be described as loners.


Now that we’ve come to the end of this article, let’s give a summary of the information above. Always remember that giant pandas live alone because they are solitary animals. So, if you call them loners, you are correct.

Moreover, note that the only time giant pandas relate with one another is during the mating season, which is between March to May. 

Keep in mind that all animals are unique in their way of life.  Whether they relate with themselves or not, giant pandas are amazingly beautiful creatures.