Do Giant Pandas Fart A Lot? (Yes!- Here’s Why)

Do giant pandas fart a lot? Considering the fact that giant pandas eat and poop several times a day, it is not surprising if people would wonder about this question. Well, it may not be the most documented facts about pandas but it is still answerable.

The quick answer is YES they do! Giant pandas fart a lot, in fact, they fart several times a day. This was confirmed by Clement Lanthier the CEO and president of Calgary Zoo in an interview when they returned two adult pandas to China.

Now that you know they fart a lot, have you ever wondered if they poop a lot at the same time? If they do, how do they get rid of their waste? Well, the good news is I already did my research and I am very much ready to share it with you.

This is going to be a very informative article about giant pandas, so keep reading until the end.

Do Giant Pandas Poop A Lot?

Yes, giant pandas definitely poop a lot. In fact, they poop several times, may it be day or night. Some giant panda experts claim that these animals poop around 40 times a day. That is too much if we will compare it to the way we, humans, poop.

The very reason why giant pandas poop a lot is that they eat a lot every day from time to time. They have to require themselves to poop in order to give space to their next big amount of bamboo intake. Thus, we can say that pooping a lot is their lifestyle.

If you want to read a more detailed explanation read our article: Do Giant Pandas Poop A lot?

How Do Giant Pandas Get Rid Of Waste?

They get rid of their body waste through excretion; the same way most other mammals do. Excretion is a process where animals like pandas get rid of their body waste naturally through their organ system.

Illustration of how giant pandas get rid of waste
Photo Source: Weebly

This process can be simplified as eating food then pooping afterward, drinking water then peeing afterward, and more. But scientifically speaking, it is the separation of toxic substances from the system of the body.

The giant pandas do have an excretory system, too. Therefore, they poop what they eat, they sweat and pee what they drink, and more natural body waste removal just like we, humans, and other animals do.

Here is a clear overview of how giant pandas take in food down to how they get rid of body waste.

Table 1: Food Intake

Body PartsProcesses Involve
MouthThis is where pandas enter and crush the bamboo and other food like some fruits and vegetables. This is also where they drink.
TracheaThis is where the crushed food passes through all the way to the esophagus.
EsophagusThis is where water and food pass through down to the stomach
StomachThis is where digestion happens. During this process, the nutrients in the food stay in the body while the toxins move out of the body.

Table 2: Excretion Process

Body PartProcessBody PartProcess
KidneyThis is where liquid material passes through to filter the waste material (urine).IntestinesThe waste material (poop) from the digestion passes through here to exit the body.
UrethraThis is where the urine comes out.AnusThis is where poop comes out.

Quick Trivia:

1. The poops of the giant pandas are also called green balls.

2. In China, they turn a giant panda’s poop into tissue paper.

Final Thoughts

In this article, you learned that giant pandas indeed fart a lot. Not only that, but they also poop up to 40 times a day. Moreover, you had a clear overview of how they eat food and get rid of their waste materials like poop and urine.

Truly, giant pandas are interesting animals. If they undergo the same processes as we do, we must ensure that they have a good source of food and water. Just like us they need and want to survive and continue to exist in this world.

Here are some articles that you may also find interesting.

1. Did you know that pandas have thumbs to help them hold the bamboo in their paws?

2. In WeBareBears, Panda (a giant panda) has a peanut allergy. Is it true in real life?

3. Do you have $1,000,000? Then you can rent a panda! Fact or Bluff?

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